Monday, October 11, 2010


a lot of people keep saying that i am heartless... betul ke?? ntahlah... sometimes i feel nothing about anything.. some times all my emotions seem wants to come out.. truth is bkan nye nk jadi heartless tp... sometimes i care too much.. but people x notice pon... xpon org jd rimas.. tu x kesahlah.. tp. ble da skit hti kat someone or something memang xleh nk bendung da.. thats why la lebih senang jd xde perasaan.. 'heartless' x yah susa pk pasal ape2 pon... tp.. mmg la ade sdikit problem in expressing myself.. people are having trouble in accepting me because i have trouble in expressing myself.. x taw la cmner nk overcome this.. hopefully, in time i will learn how to treat others the way they want to be treated.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


pergh.. penat gle hari ni! blik kol 1a.m. kot! mmg x leh bla gle~ nk wat cmner da mmg cri pasal sendri kan.. kan3?? huhu.. tp mmg syok r! byk blaja bende bru! *ayat dak poyo*


first memanah: pertama kali terlepas tali dengan cara y amat menyakitkan! warna-warni da tgan aq! biru, ungu, merah, hitam! dah mcm peta dunia da aq tgok! mama sakit!!pastu kene try shoot lagi plak tu.. mmg terkedu jup aq kat situ! seb pat blik awal gak! dri kol 5 smpai 620~ awal la gak kan!

konvo KFK unit studio: mmg cm nk separa hidop2! huhu.. smalam blaja lighting! syok gak! rini pon pon sambung smalam! p miss skit! huhu~ sedey je! n mlm ni blaja KAREOGRAFI ! my sub unit! kene pntas cm the flash sey! bang senget ke kanan skit kri skit, tunduk skit! kak tukar tmpat! kak pndang kamera! kak SENYUM ! SNAP ! haha~ mmg cm overwhelmed jup aq! huhu~ p try my best! haha~

ACADEMIC : ??? *blur* haha~ xde lah.. blaja gak! STATIC 3D mmg mantap arh! berbulu otak nk pk! asgnment engineering drawing jgn la cter! mmg x pernah siap! ni pas mlalut ni.. nk g wat la~ haha~ CALCULUS blom xplore lg! tp cm best je! MATERIAL SCIENCE hahaha~ hanye mampu glak ye! subjek 'kesayangan' kami yeah! kan3?? haha........................

y penting tolonglah jgn mlas terawih nadhrah!! huhu~

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


gle kentang semangat awal sem~ haha
imagine r first day da ade assignment 2 long essay..
ni la dye first essy aq y siap..
lntak la lalok mne skali pown asal siap..


I am unique because I am me. There is no other me than me. Even my DNA which is the core of my being is different from the rest of the world. The same goes to my own fingerprints. People say there is not one person who is not unique. To say one self not unique is a downright lie.And I am not a liar. I am unique as to each puzzles of a 1000 jigsaw puzzle is unique.

For me all the life experience, memories, thoughts, dreams and our own choices make us unique. Even identical twins can be told apart by their behaviour. I may not be saying straight forwardly as to why I am unique. But that is just he way I am. For that I am unique.

Now let me ask you something. Have you been camping with all of your family sleeping outside in the middle of the forest together with ‘orang asli’? I have. Have you driven your father’s car with him beside you and you are speeding towards a lamp post and a ‘parit’? I have. Have you tried to kill yourself? I have not. And will not. Gotcha! Some of you may have experienced a lot of other things that I have not. But that does not make me any less or you any more. It make us different. To put in a more eloquent word ‘unique’.

I love speed reading. I can read quite fast. Which is very good for last minute revision. I can spend hours and hours on Wikipedia reading on a topic that interest me. Or in fanfiction sites reading stories. Its like an addiction. But after sometime it gets a little bit boring. But if I stay away long enough I will be searching for something to read. But not newspapers though.

I get bored easily. That is why I try to do something new, but not always successful on doing so. Some people have found themselves, but for me the search still continues. I like trying out new things because I still have not found the things that I am passionate about. For those who have, stick to it. Because the opportunity of doing something that you feel is worth doing does not come knocking on your door every other day.

I am comfortable with who I am, most of the time.But some of the time I am an awkward person. Sometimes I can not give a proper reaction to a certain social interactions. I would just give the wrong response and end up offending others. Which I did not mean to do in the first place. In other words. I really need to improve my communication skills.

I realize that all the things that makes me, me that I have mention are not all positive behaviour. I admit that there are somethings that needs to be change in order for me to become a better person. But in the process of doing that I refuse to lose myself. In the sense that I do not want o change to be someone else, but I want to change to become a better me.

cmne la nk bgun g class esok pg ni...

*dak gle blog*

Monday, July 12, 2010


oh god! i dont understand people la nowadays~ one minute they seems fine and treats you normally then the next minute just shuts down! i know its probably because of my own stupid mouth and the way i treat others.. if i've offended you. I am really sorry from the bottom of my heart! honest~ but i cant do anything if you dont tell me what is wrong! i dont ask cause i want it to be from your own mouth. and not the words that i put in your mouth. it breaks my heart to be given the silent treatment. im so pathetic la~ haia! *self destruct* X_X

Sunday, July 11, 2010


ni la dye lgu UTM yg da stuck dlm brain aq~ huhu

Bersama kita menjulang
Keunggulan terbilang
Ke mercu jaya kita usaha
UTM puncak letaknya

Martabat keilmuan
Cendekiawan beriman
Cekal bersama taqwa
Menara cita-cita

Kami anak kandung
UTM rimbun bernaung
Usaha kami bukti cintamu
Dikau persada ilmu

Keazaman perjuangan
Taqwa dan Iman

Ke arah kecemerlangan
Perundingan penulisan
Pembelajaran penyelidikan
Perkhidmatan kepada watan

Di sini kami berdiri
Setia pada janji
Bermaruah berbudi bahasa
UTM sanjungan bangsa
UTM sanjungan bangsa

first time dgar cm lembik gle lgu~ cm nk dodoi tdo je... hehe
last2 da asek nyanyi lgu ni je~ syok beb! hehe
smpai kn mlm td nk kenekn senior pown nyanyi lgu ni..
haha~ cm xde lgu len jek..

moral of the story: dont judge a song by its melody
haha.. mrepek je XD

Monday, July 5, 2010


x sangke ouh aq da jadi dak UNIVERSITI !! da 3 hari aq bergelar MAHASISWA... bangge beb! rase cm bru smalam je kene buli kat tdika~ (pcaye x kat tika pon ade kes buli)

First otw dtg cuak nk mampus.. p mse syok tgok kampus kat sni BIB msg aq. dye kter dye satu bilik ngan aq! x cye langsung aq.. p ble cek mmg btol pown.. HAPPY gler aq! dpt gak gang~ sblom tu baek aq knal kn bib nih.. dye ni dak matrix mlake (KMM).. tp aq pernah ckp ngan dye skali due je~ tu pown sebab aq mlepak kat bilik amal pastu dye menyampuk! haha.. then afer aq da sampai tu.. aq pown pusing2 r cri tmpat nk dftr. tgok2 tnggal aq sorang je dlm dewan dftr tu~ haha.. ni la padah dok dekat.. dekat pown jd lmbt dtg!

after da dftr n cmpk je brg dlm blik aq kuar ngn family g umah UNCLE JEPP dye ni cousin mak aq~ n merangkap lecturer kat UTM tp industrial mechy. aq mik pure mechy~ kenyang ouh prot aq mkn ketam~ haha.. lega skit nervous aq..

pastu lak..lagi satu padah dok dkat nih~ mule la sume brg y ptot bwk xde plak~ huhu~ terpakse arh g shopping... shopping ker?? huhu.. dpt la mug, padlock. penyapu dll y seangkatan...time tu bib da sbuk txt aq dak2 lain sume da trun bwh.. cuak gak ouh~ tepat kol 5.10 pm aq smpai kat KP (kolej perdana) kolej aq.. org len sume da turun da! n time tu jgak la aq dpt taw SYERA dak bilik sebelah aq~ dye ni blockmate aq time kat KMM (small world huh?).. slalu jumpe dye time nk exam je~ haha coz dye pndai+rajin... klo aq xphm n ching xde aq tye la dye..;p so, pas da kcoh2 tukar bju.. trun salam mama ngan ayah ngan adik! (huhu~ rindu gle beb!) then tros trun kat DATARAN 1 MALAYSIA pas sume org da trun g jalan kaki g DEWAN SRI PERDANA (DSP) .. bosan nk mampus time tu! mner x nye dekat sejam je cter pasal kunci! kunci! bygkan la~ terer gle leh cter pasal kunci smpai sejam~ tersengguk aq kat blakang~ disini lah PYUZ muncul! haha ntah pape je ayat.. dye lak dak JPP poyo kt KMM ! haha~ jgn mara pyuz~ gle kecik doh dunia ni! haha p aq x pernah pown tgur sape ngan dye time kat KMM.. tp ble dah kat sini lbih kurang satu pale je ngan aq~ haha..

cm tu lah FIRST DAY aq kat UTM..
lain hari lain kali plak~
rumate sengal
ustazah garang
dak lagi sengal
rumate syera

jd geng aq time Minggu Transformasi Mahasiswa (MTM)
gempak r nme minggu kteorg?

Sunday, June 27, 2010

UTM here I come !!!

I'm so happy n SCARED at the same time! haha~ After lots n lots of thinking n tears shed at last, I'm making moves on UTM~ really hope I can make it!

Its been a long journey starting from SPM then going on to MATRICS... now UTM! though i've always wanted to go oversea to get my degree but ! a year away from home in matrics cure all that! i'm never go be so far away from my family any more! i've lost both my atok~ n realize that life too short la~ huhu.. n thats why i'm gonna be staying as close to my family as possible! 'couse u'll never know whats gonna happen!

back to me who's going to UTM! argh~ theres tonnes of stuff to do! my 'list to do' things keeps getting longer n longer.
1. fill out all the forms!
2. take pictures..
3. medical checkup.
4. open a CIMB bank account!
5. get back my lost I/C
6. find witness *sounds like i did something wrong* haha~
7. ........
8. .......
9. prepare myself for uni life! huhu~
among other things! T_T

still im wasting my time fbing n blogging! haha~ well i better get going! 'till next time..

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


haha... At last my new blog... I've been planning forever to do this. I thought it would be easy to write whatever that I want. But, my brain is refusing to cooperate. Haih.. So much for letting my thoughts known. haha... I guess next time I'll write something more fruitful. So long.. Hope that everyone will enjoy my presence in the blog world! XD